
Am I the only one who's getting more and more aggrevated about how the large youtube channels misinform and make out VPN providers (I am looking at you, Nord VPN, mostly) as the messiahs of the internet? How they protect our data that would otherwise be in incredible "danger" otherwise?

I understand they need clients, and I know most of the YT channels probably do not know better, but... This is misinformation at best, and downright false advertising at the worst...

"But HTTP-only websites still exist!" - yes, but unlike the era before Lets Encrypt, they are a minority. Most of the important webpages are encrypted.

"Someone could MITM their connection and present a fake certificate!" - And have a huge, red warning about the connection being dangerous. If at that point, the user ignores it, I say its their fault.

Seriously... I don't know if Nord gives their partners a script or not... But... I am getting super sick of them. And is the main reason why I made my own VPN at home...

  • 4
    Hey man my isp could be evil...I don't really know but...I trust this random app....
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    Everyone has pretty much turned on nord at this point, as far as I can tell. And they deserve it.
  • 2
    @SortOfTested Its much better than it used to be, but I still find youtubers that are like "Nord VPN encrypts your data so that your passwords cannot get stolen!" and it makes me so incredibly sad that they don't know better or don't fact-check...
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    NordVPN definitely gives them a script. Like, it always mentions the military grade encryption bullshit.
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    Tom Scott has a neat short video called "This viedo is sponsort by ___ VPN" talking abou those issues
  • 5
    Nord failed to disclose a breach. That's /game for me and any security firm.
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    @SortOfTested I know, right? Because it would ruin their "We're your savior, keeping your data from being snooped on" image...
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    @SortOfTested Agreed, that's such a fundamental failure. Like a bank where your money disappears...game over.
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    That why I am in love with TOR an i2p firejail + torbrowser = just about bullet proof
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    Wasn't aware of this but you have a point!
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    @butwhytho Despite the fact that a lot of TOR exit nodes are controlled by agencies
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    @rodrigograca31 I was waiting for someone to link to Tom Scott.

    Also, you've got to remember most YouTubers are just interested in the dough, not the product. If they could make 10x as much by recommending a fake vpn that actually sold all your traffic to Google, they probably would.
  • 1
    I would endorse Nord if they pay me too
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