
Have I just reached the end of devRant and seen all the rants?😮
Ok... enough devRant for today.

  • 3
    I've been getting this a lot over the past couple of days. I thought it was just my shitty 3G but maybe there is a bug? @dfox
  • 9
    Been facing a similar issue on the Android app, the algo feature loads very few rants (around 15) and loads no more after you scroll down.. You get the same posts again when you refresh
  • 1
    @ishankothari I'm getting this as well
    @dfox is this a known issue?
  • 2
    Your mission us complete today ... Cone back for more dev love tomorrow 😏😨
  • 2
    @ishankothari are they older "top" rants? When the algo runs out of new stuff it falls back to top and it will show you top rants you've already seen/++'d.
  • 1
    @dfox I didn't notice that. The next time it happens, I'll compare it to the top rants and let you know. But as far as I remember they were all rants that I had not seen before
  • 1
    @ishankothari thanks. I'm a little confused because you did say "same posts again when you refresh" which would mean you've seen them before :)

    And they won't be exactly the same as top, they are more a special top sort. But yeah, the best indicator would be if it's showing ones you've already liked and even if you reload a bunch of times you still see mainly the same stuff.
  • 3
    @dfox sorry for the confusion! What I meant was that when the app behaves like how I mentioned earlier and I see the posts and refresh it (as I can only see ~15 posts and I refresh to see more), it shows the same posts again so basically I get no more new posts on the algo feed.

    But I don't think I have seen those posts before they started coming there. This has also happened when I've been inactive for a few days and come back (which seems strange as I assume there should be posts to show).

    What I'll do is I'll observe more carefully the next time and let you know. Going by how you explained it, it's like "it's a feature not a bug" thing ;) just kidding :P
  • 1
    Sounds exactly like what I'm getting too +1
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