Remember when Level3 was just a simple backbone provider and not a threat to the internet itself on account of being owned and operated by the incompetent fucks at the worst ISP in the US?

We really need some regulation that states ISPs, cable companies and telephone companies are ineligible to be backbone providers. Shit is too important.


  • 2
    Credit where it's due though, Pai was appointed to the commission by Obama, who was too woke to see past his ethnicity to the fact that he is a complete shit heel typical of the VZ archetype. He just proved so utterly awful that Trump kept him on. Beware anyone with a Verizon background.
  • 1
    Why do some people have different coloured ++ in their profiles
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    We support the community by subscribing to premium.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested I know, I mean why different Colors of that
  • 2
    It matches your icon background.
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