Configuring apache is so fucking repetitive and inefficient. No for loops. No arrays. Just repeating damn near the same lines over and over and over again.
Oh you want to listen to 20 ports? I hope you like copying and pasting.

  • 2
    Then why not automate it?
  • 0
    Ansible! (Or even chef) Manage box like a boss 😎
  • 0
    apache is a web server application. you want loops and arrays? just make a damn shell script or gui for configuring it then!
    and why not use port forwarding if all you wanna do is make a certain host listen in several port?
    then again, in it's simplest form, making apache host listening to several port only took you 2 line editing, unless each port serves different virtual host
  • 0
    Config is a text file...
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