
Greatest minds of humankind processed all that eternal questions and hard problems of ourselves and the outside world. They all formed the outcomes and conclusions into comprehensive messages.

Are they hidden somewhere? Is this some hidden knowledge that is extremely exclusive? Where is that library and how hard it is to get there? Maybe it is impossible for me?


It’s right there, hidden in plain sight and often overlooked.

It’s called art. That packages are artworks. I just realized that all that time people much smarter than me spent their lives thinking about all that stuff and I can get all their answers right now, for free.

Art is not a steal.

Art is a robbery.

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    @F1973 art is a robbery, robbery is not an art
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    @F1973 I was going to respond to your jokes with my joke that ties your apparent lack of knowledge about how equals sign work to the fact that your recent job interview wasn’t successful, like what, it just jokes. But I’m not going to do it
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    @F1973 Interviewers almost always want to hire themselves, so wax that shiny head before you go! 😉
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    Having access to knowledge and understanding it are two different things. Art, and in particular the more modern art is a creation from a situation. This means that unless you know what the artist was thinking about or experiencing, you might not get the "hidden meaning". I don't think there are any shortcuts in the journey for self knowledge.
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    @uyouthe can you elaborate?
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    @hubiruchi is modern art complex? Yes. Is it heavily contextual? Yes. Is it difficult to understand once you know the context? No. Does art itself give you context? Yes. Is art piece n+1 exponentially easier to understand than art piece n? Probably yes.

    It’s not like understand each new art piece feels like getting into it from scratch.
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    @uyouthe so you want to learn the answers to your questions by understanding the answers to your questions and then looking at art? Otherwise I can't see how do you "know the context" which is not only a physical situation but a state of mind
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    @hubiruchi cultural context is merely a finite set of specific historical facts, not like “9/11 happened in September 11th” but like “Letov is heavy influenced by a Siberian post-punk subculture, they declared X, Y and Z” and “Matyushin in Victory over the Sun refers to idiom that Pushkin is the sun of Russian poetry, and to him Pushkin is not just the poet, is the metaphor of the old world and old mindset that soviet culture and its cult of technical progress strived to overcome”
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    @hubiruchi the problem with modern art is the more modern it is the more it usually references other modern art and not history, it becomes meta. Hence metamodern
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    @uyouthe I am not sure we are talking about the same things... Which is exactly my point. Understanding cultural context is still not enough to answer 'spiritual' answers
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    @hubiruchi don’t need to, art is not an immediate answer to everything but merely the best one available.
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    @uyouthe Why do you think it's better than just living?
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    @hubiruchi because multiple smart people thinking is better than one dumb person thinking
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    @uyouthe yeah but spending your time trying to figure out what smart people think seem a lot less effective than thinking about the same things.
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    @hubiruchi I don’t think so.
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    @uyouthe well, I think we can agree to disagree
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