
When you have more '+1' on devRant than Stack Overflow :|

  • 3
    This could be considered a good thing :)
  • 2

    I know..
    Thank you for creating this App
  • 11
    When people like you more on devRant than Tinder 😕
  • 1

    I have a bigger beer belly than my 5 months pregnant colleague :p

    Do you still want me on Tinder

  • 1
    Hahahaha no thanks. I have to code some shit in VBA today and it's raining a lot. Down voting could be too much today
  • 1
    @SD010 maybe you are pregnant too and the father is all that beer
  • 0

    Still less fucked than a VBA developer :p
  • 0
    I don't know what kind of developer I am anymore. In the last week I've been coding in c++, VBA and C#. "do games" they said,"it will be fun" they said...
  • 1
    this is #Gold
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