Oooh what I hate it..... Timezones... Who really came up with that shit? GMT, UTC, CET and garbage like that. And then also the DST crap.

Whats wrong with the same time in the whole world? Without DST or timezone garbage that just makes life harder for both developers and travellers which are going to meet someone or have something booked.

  • 4
    well, I don't have comments about Daylight savings, but there's nothing wrong with timezones. If we all had a Universal Timezone, wouldn't it be ridiculous to know that 9 AM in some areas to be having sunshine while it's completely dark in some others?
  • 2
    @asgs It would be about the same as knowing that December etc. are actually summer months in the southern part of the globe...
  • 2
    @olpe sure, but without following specific timezones you wouldn't know if it's day or night at a given place .
  • 0
    @asgs Yeah. That'd suck too
  • 4
    Wait until you realize the numeric system for dates, months, years uses index 1 for the 1st while hours, minutes, seconds use index 0...
  • 5
    Still not as bad as I18n.
    I can deal with timezones given enough time, but languages are just a fucking mess.
  • 0
    @Kushtrim great, hilarious one!
  • 0
    @hiestaa Unless you use Java, then months are 0 indexed...
  • 0
    @brahn hahaha, months only? Is the first day of month still the number 1?
  • 5
    There are sooo many things with date and time that fuck up stuff for everyone all the time!

    Removing timezones, DST, and the like brings a host of troubles that I won't even try citing here, so take the time to read through this instead: https://qntm.org/abolish

    And when you're done with that, take a look at this list of other falsehoods programmers (and regular people unconsciously) believe to be true, especially those about Date and Time: https://github.com/kdeldycke/...
  • 2
    I'll concede that daylight savings is stupid, but timezones are necessary for understanding what time it is in other places. It's easy enough to convert timezones on Google.
  • 0
    @hiestaa That's the kicker, it's just for months. days and years still work as expected.
  • 0
    @asgs it would be better. And also daylight saving is not any help anymore. We'd better kill it. Having the same time everywhere will make more sense and it will make meeting easier and you'll always know the time even if you travel.
  • 2
    @SweetHuman so are you willing to mess up your own time zone in order to have parity?
  • 0
    @NathanDoesDev i totaly am. I will wenever give up my timezone to have all the same time.
  • 1
    As far as I agree with you @sebastian, having one timezone (e.g.: GMT) with no daylight saving time changes would be necessary especially when X AM somewhere would be different travel-wise than X AM here.
  • 1
    @asgs thats the problem right there. :) AM or PM. There are 24 hours. If we would use them all, it wouldnt really matter what time we were supposed to sleep, eat, work. Us devs are a perfect example of hours being unreasonably binding.
  • 1
    @jarlgrad you should definitely read the first link Flygger posted above.
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