Dahhhhh. A few times a day, seemingly at random, one of the fans in my PC starts making a horrendous noise.

This would be mildly annoying, but fine if I could actually just isolate where the noise was coming from. But whenever I go to move the bloody thing and pop off the side case, it stops again 😬

Don't really fancy replacing all the fans one by one just in case they're the issue...

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    so oil all of them? :)
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    I think I'd jam them one by one for a days time to find the offender...
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    @netikras Have done, no change.
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    @Jilano I have, but it doesn't ever seem to play up when the side panel is off. Really weird. And don't want to leave it off permanently in case I end up knocking or kicking the internals.
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    @rutee07 Perhaps I should nuke the whole thing with bug spray just in case 😂
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    @Flygger That might work, but don't fancy jamming the CPU or GPU fans...
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    @AlmondSauce The less you'd like to, the more critical they would also be to actually have problems, but just start with the ones that are the least "dangerous" and work your way through ;)
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    @AlmondSauce Don't physically jam them. That makes them draw the maximum current they can, and whatever is sourcing that fan might be damaged.
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