
Couple of years back:
"Hey, lets put all of our custom binaries in /bin"

"Hey @Linux, I updated my system and now some binaries is gone"

  • 12
    I hate programs that put files everywhere (including config files). That shit happens on Linux, Windows, etc. Such a pain in the arse.
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    That's why I put everything that isn't in the packet manager under /opt.
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    @Linux now let's discuss this.




    I would never put something that isn't in the hand of the system package manager under /usr/local. /usr/local is most likely referenced in PATH and other system environment variables and shit can break fast.

    That belongs to /opt imho.

    It isn't fully compatible with the FHS definition, but I like and enforce this approach on eg servers because it seperates the good (packaged and referenced in system) from the bad
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    @Linux I also have commercial SW and don't want to distribute additional SW across several places because in case of a distro update, I just want to copy over a single directory.

    Another advantage is that opt packages won't fuck up my system because they only run if I give the full path names.
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    I have stress about where to put things in windows. I put a lot of stuff c:\ because I don't understand the whole AppDir thing they got going. Most of my dev libraries end up in c:\libs because of path length issues too. Is there a standard I can look at for windows?
  • 2
    @Demolishun not really afaik

    Windows and Path -/ Encoding / FS stuff is full retard.
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    *laughs in FreeBSD*

    Non-sysyem files, I including third party packages goes in /usr/local.

    Ever since trying FreeBSD i never understood why Linux distro a still mix system and third party packages in /usr/bin et alt.
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    The package manager almost never put things in /usr/local/, that is why it is perfect.
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