
How many languages did you need to learn before becoming language agnostic?

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    First: TI-83 BASIC
    Second: Z80 assembly

    Hard to get two languages more different from oneanother than that, especially on the same platform.
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    Lambda calculus (with recursive types).
    Automata and Turing machines.
    x86 assembly.

    That covers pretty much all kinds.
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    Just computer architecture. Once doing that, you understand everything lol. But basically I started with Assembly language. Well, that just covers all compiled languages. I see python and my brain blows up, too hard.
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    I'm still getting there with english but Spanish is my native language, can give you a class anytime amigo
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    Orale 🤜🤛
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    Two: C and Clojure.

    C was enough for me to create my own CPU, of course you should also be aware of assembly when using C.

    Clojure was enough to understand everything else. I still don’t think I can code in Haskell or Erlang right away but I’m okay with that
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    Don’t remember but after a few I found it easy to understand almost any new programming language since the structure is familiar.

    When you run into a new concept it can take some time, like the first time I encountered pattern matching in F# or the heavy use of inline regex in perl.

    Unless you have seen the concept you have little reference.

    I started with basic and msdos batch, then turbo pascal and c, then js and c#.

    Except for batch these are pretty similar imperative languages and seeing functional code was completely new.

    None of them really have pattern matching so that first came with f#.

    But now, there are rarely anything especially new.

    6 months ago I was challenged to learn Elixir, which I had never heard of, and it took about two weeks, much due to documentation that assumed you already knew erlang, which I also never used, but knew about ;)
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    3 (JS, Python and Java)
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    Tbh, probably just one. Concepts translate pretty seamlessly from C to any other mainstream language.
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    @AlmondSauce Have you ever tried Haskell or other functional languages or LISPs? Not very mainstream but very different.
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    @osmarks Yes, Haskell - I actually found it reasonably easy to pick up all things considered. If you're familiar with recursion and/or functional streams in other languages, then the basics aren't too hard to wrap your head around.

    I'm by no means a master though, and while the "pure" functional approach is neat, I'd probably stick with conventional languages for most work.
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