
Literally just taught my girlfriend how to ctrl+c and ctrl+v

  • 4
    Been there, done that...
  • 4
    I've got you beat. Taught mother how to close a window...
  • 12
    You taught her how to interrupt processes and get the key code for keys? 😃
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    @codeclod you sneaky devil, ++
  • 1
    @darkcode you know his girlfriend so well. :))
  • 3
    Should be ex tbh...
  • 4
    @erikdreyer11 OMG that shit still works? 😂
  • 0
    Now teach her in the terminal you do it with shift.
  • 1
    @gnaaah but some games disabled alt-f4.
  • 1
    Nice! Now you can show her Ctrl+s
  • 4
    My wife types with 2 fingers and spends an hour every morning reading each of her email newsletters. A lot of days, she asks for help printing something too.

    She's not stupid. She's completing her maths PhD. She is, however, hopeless with technology.
  • 3
    @ScribeOfGoD taught my granddad how to click.
  • 1
    @jamesh if she completes her maths phd.... With a little mentoring she can get a lot better.
  • 4
    I taught my mom how to copy paste images from the web to a word document when I was in 5th grade (that was almost 10y ago)
    And I sometimes "teach" this one colleague (we're both CS students) shortcuts to several programs (I look for the shortcuts because it saves me time in getting the mouse there). One time I asked her "why don't you use alt + f4?" after watching her close her windows manually, and she replied "what does that do?". I have to say I was a bit flabbergasted by that (she's a console player so she's not really familiarized with the key shortcuts but)
  • 1
    leave her asap
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