
Becoming a dev is hard, what was the thing that motivated you the most in your journey?

Currently coding as a hobby, but hoping to turn this passion into a full time job someday.

Also, why is devRant so obsessed with hentai?

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    @rutee07's schtick is sexualizing everything.
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    I can't keep up with you kids and your pornhub watchlists.
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    @SortOfTested haha why did I not see this one coming?
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    Remember the unix code: do one thing

    You asked two things. That gives us openings
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    Because #octopie creampie
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    Imagining people using my software. Me being able to create value out of text files is amazing
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    @SortOfTested can i get ur watchlist of pussy
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    I dunno. I was always on this path as my father used to make websites either for fun or as a sidegig to his actual job (accountant).

    It came to be something I just accepted into my life, I guess. So, the main motivation would be that I've known programming my whole life, and I'm not much good at anything else.
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    I'm not your mum, buddy 😋
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    And a wild @C0D4 appe...wtf, who let the #octopussy out on a green dot 😨

    As for your other question: https://devrant.com/rants/2867528/...
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    I just want to be better and learn as much as I can because it’s a very fun and useful skill, so I could program/automate the things I think of.
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    Since when devrant is obsessed with henrai?
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    Wait...i haven't seen any hentai related post.. Am i not active enough ??
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    @Jilano wthhh.. serious?
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    @Kibama @iiii send me some hentai posts
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    @sujayks I'm also looking for the source or sauce o.O
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    I would say just my love for learning has kept me so far despite some really bad days and hardships. I would be web developing as a hobby of mine if it wasn't for a job or career, right now I'm entry level and always learning.
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