
Just finished explaining to my 13 year old brother that the monitor wasn't the computer... 😧
This is what happens when you get married and leave the house. Your family become technologically illiterate 😔

  • 2
    Sheeeeeeeeee iiiit
  • 6
    Maybe he has seen an iMac somewhere?
  • 6
    Visited home after a couple years, and my mom was on Windows ME... In 2010.
  • 1
    @dncrews How did it still run? I heard it destroys hard drives really fast
  • 1
    @filthyranter she'd get stuff fixed, and never know...
  • 1
    Can relate to that! In my family, people are eager to USE tech, but not so much about learning how, and the risks involved. Like what happens if you don't bother getting internet security, updates, or sell your soul *cough* sorry, i meant privacy, to social media..
  • 2
    My dad is 65 and doesn't understand anything technically and computers are a pure mystery, but he is a expert in fucking them up!

    Got tired of restoring everything every time a visit so now the parental control is activated, no more problems 😃
  • 1
    If you want to feel real anger, ask him what he thinks the save icon is.
  • 1
    Shit, are you me?
  • 2
    @Linux You're the kid 😂
  • 2
    No 😫
  • 5
    My home office has a laptop and 2 big monitors, if I had a dollar for every time someone asked me why I have 3 computers on my desk, I'd have 4th monitor right now...
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