

So we just had our engagement party and I figured at least a good portion of you would appreciate the cake :)

The story behind is also linked to how I proposed by giving her a Pebble watch...

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    Love my pebble time! Developed a few watch faces and an app, but have since felt a little disenfranchised with how quickly they came out with the Pebble time 2, by not even waiting till the Pebble time smart bands could be finished and delivered
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    @ebourgess Thank you :) Rather happy with life right now!
    @dewguzzler I'm still using the first Pebble and loving it. And I do get what you mean but then they do also have to keep up with smart wear changes. I'm just happy it's still from their unique perspective when compared to most smart watches.
    By the way, I bought her the Pebble Round and she loves it.
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