
"I'll send you the list with a few small changes to make on my website. It won't take you long, a few minutes I guess."

= ALWAYS at least 1-2 hours of work

  • 3
    @thmnmlst 😂😂. Sounds so familiar that list.
  • 2
    @thmnmlst just do this small change for me, will not take you long I HOPE 😂😂😂
  • 3
    @Letmecode the problem is the ones telling things like this are the ones who don't want to pay for the job. They really think it's a quick change. When I tell such client that it would be xx$ for yy hours, they think I tried to cheat them.

    The problem is when a boss forces to deal with such clients. It ends for us (team) working half-paid for such client :|
  • 5
    @thmnmlst i got "add a store" request once. Client was very upset that I wanted to bill her for installation and configuration of WooCommerce as an extension for her blog. She was trying to get discount telling me that she doesn't want a store, she claimed to want 'a blog with a shop' which - for her - isn't a store and shouldn't cost that much.
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