How many apps do you have on your phone?

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    Embarrassed to say: 641

    I need to clean them out!...been using https://play.google.com/store/apps/... as of recently to help track. I'm an addict and a hoarder 😲
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    101 and it sucks because everytime I connect my phone to a wifi there are at least everytime 30+ updates. This consumes all the bandwidth for 30 min, and that happens always then when I want to listen spotify or watching netflix. Arrrgh! 😬
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    I have a dozen, without counting the built in. Facebook, 9gag, imgur and devrant to keep social links, two or three games, and the rest for netflix, bank, and adblock browser.
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    @yalematta why do you want to know that? :)
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    OMG i see only now! Too much in any case :S
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    @heyheni I got a new oneplus3 and I just got curious while choosing what to download again, what credentials I still remember...
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    How are you all able to live with so few apps? I have at least 300+ installed. You wouldn't believe how long it takes my phone to soft reboot D:
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    And the money spent over the years... That can be shocking: https://www.devrant.io/rants/320176
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    As for self installed apps, I think about 40 or so
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