
Thought it was debian logo... Then I asked me, why the hell would there be a debain logo in my phone.... And why would it be mirrored.... Turns out, it is the hearthstone logo :/

Debain logo would be more exciting

  • -1
    Do you know what "!rant" means?
  • 1
    @forkbomber I thought 'not a rant'... Please correct me, if I'm wrong :(
  • 0
    @Tobix yes... Yours looks like a normal rant, not a rant usually tells a story of success or something similar.
    It's a bit useless if it becomes the standard thing to post.
  • 1
    @forkbomber ahhhh okay... I thought I means, that I'm not raging about something... Okay thanks :)
  • 4
    @forkbomber aren't you being a bit pedantic and just causing trouble for the sake of it?
  • 2
    @CogInTheWheel I've been away from DevRant for about two weeks because it is becoming a 9gag clone.
    I get back and it's still a list of copies and "almost memes" with people doing the same over and over again.
    I guess that's just my problem, so I will probably install the app if it never gets better.
    Small things annoy me too much.
  • 0
  • 1
    @Tobix you are !wrong
  • 1
    I agree with OP.
    This post is not a rant IMHO.
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