Jetbrains IDE has this awesome shortcut ctrl + w that selects the entire word the caret is placed at. Ctrl + w on browsers closes tabs. I hope you understand my displeasure of this.

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    Been there. I think it's too late to change it in JetBrains's ecosystem (I'm too used to it), but I'm usually not writing code in a browser, so I'm less inclined to want to do that.
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    Resharper seemed to changed their Default shortcuts. I've been using it for 7+ years and Ctrl + w is my shortcut for selecting word boundaries.

    But when I installed on other devs machine it was set to ctrl +alt + left/right arrows.
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    If you're using chrome, ctrl+shift+T brings back your most recently closed tab
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    @Moldy so does Opera and vivaldi. Great Feature, saved me hundreds of times 😂
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    @moldy yeah on Firefox too, still annoying tough ;p
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    Had the same Problem, using the netbeans keysheme it closes the current tab
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    (Entirely useless and unintersting fact) Ctrl+w also selects the word on SSMS
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    Reading your first sentence as someone who haven't tried the IDE, I thought you were trolling lol
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    You can edit your keyboard shortcut preferences in JetBrains IDE. Customize it to your needs.
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    I would suggest changing to CTRL+F4 in your Browser. This may work for Chrome and FF and feels a bit like ALT+F4 which is nearly the same. Then you can stick with W in your IDE!
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    The problem is I've become too accustomed to both :( maybe I should try changing it, but ctrl + w is just such a nice combination
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    I remapped ctrl+w to "close tab" in Intellij, and wondered what shortcut to use for extending selection... But I remembered that I never use this, so fuck it.

    Seriously, you guys use this feature? Selecting a word is so quick with "ctrl+left, ctrl+alt+right". And selecting a block is so rare, I can accept to type a few more keys
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    @willol I sometimes select a block just to visualise things better.
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    @kamen doesn't that fuck up the syntax colors?
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    @willol Depends on the scheme. I'm using this one - https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugi... - the default and the darker - and it just changes the background colour of the selected block, leaving the rest of the colours as they are. Just checked - even the default scheme (Darcula) keeps the colours when selecting stuff, it's just that the blue makes them harder to discern.
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    @kamen okay, that sounds like a valid reason!
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