
See, static typing? that shit is for putos. You think you're so cool with your advanced intellisense being able to tell you "yo....dat shit ain't the type you think it is" or your compiler telling you "yo dumbass, you fucked this parameter up in here, you are doing <x> when in reality you should be doing #@$@#$@!<X at line !@#@#$#>"

pfffft static typing. Such a pansy ass thing to worry about.

Picture us, working outside of the safety net of static typing, as jungle explorers, walking slowly, with a machete in hand and our other hand clutched tightly at our hip pistol, not knowing what to shoot at, but eagerly prepared for when shit fucks up because whatever the fuck you did was not properly safeguarded by a compiler to tell you that you fucked up, even if the compiler message is unintelligible (looking at you C and C++)

We is men here, we is brave retarded adventurers.

As our sanity blips into oblivion and we look at our code that has no sort of type checking expecting our shitty intellisense extensions to protect us....

Edit: if you can't understand the sarcasm in here and the plea for sanity then you are obviously a retard and have no place in the world of development

  • 3
    When I read puto, I thought about Molotov

    🎵Que muy machín, ¿no?
    Ah, muy machín, ¿no?
    Marica, nena
    Más bien putín, ¿no? 🎵
  • 3
    Gringos, you write a 6 paragraph rant and they point to the fact that you said puto once.
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    @mcfly I'll take it
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    @JhonDoe i hate molotov, but dig yo vibe
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    Leave them be, they have the right to remain stupud lol
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  • 5
    I don't need a type system, takes too much effort.

    I just write unit tests. Hundreds of thousands of them.

    I test every single Javascript function. Not just to test the logic, but also to test what happens when I pass a string to an integer function. I write unit tests with all possible valid inputs to check all possible outputs, I write unit tests with all possible invalid inputs to check all the expected exceptions.

    Code should NEVER fail to compile!

    Manually writing thousands of tests is clearly superior!
  • 2
    Brogrammers Untie!!!
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    Real talk, i love how you can jump into a huge java codebase, ctrl+click through some function parameters and extend the code without even having to run it.
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    @yellow-dog real talk. Pee pee goes hard whenever I don't have to open a Java project made from some other dumb fucker.
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    @AleCx04 consume male reproductive organ
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    @yellow-dog denies cuz day is gae
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    @AleCx04 That gatekeeping and edgyness is just cringe mate. There are plenty devs on a spectrum who dont understand your special snowflake sarcasm but can destroy you in any dev competition at any give point in time. People who can do your months work in days. Just so you know.
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    @zemaitis this was me poking fun at the fact that an error found on a work script that could have been prevented by a strictly typed language caused work pain.
    I don't know how this offended you in any way possible, but I am fascinated by the fact. If you are familiar with this platform, and by extension my user, you would know that there is very little I shit on, so take this as it is "a sarcastic joke found on a comment". And I could not give two shits about people that could beat me in a "cODinG" competition, like, at all, it registers so low in my "spectrum" that it would be a topic of discussion all together, grab a drink "mate" sit down and chill the fuck down.

    also, give me names of them peeps, I would hire them on the spot, I'll rather delegate shit than sit down and fuck with y'alls bs in a heartbeat.
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    @AleCx04 you did not get my point at all. Check what you wrote in Edit: section in the bottom. Like read it until you understand how stupid what you said was.
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    @zemaitis I really don't give a shit man, you want to pick a fight on the internet over something that hurt you? cool, I ain't hiting the bait. Go somewhere else for that, this was a joke, if it hurt you I really don't care
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    @zemaitis but look man, I remember you, you are one of the dudes that lost his job at one point due to corona. Read my response to your post then, I ain't a bad dude, this is a joke, take it as the most light-hearted shit in the world and don't get ye shit twisted, I am NOT shitting or hating on anything really to make you write such shit, chill man, its the internet and a ranting forum
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    @AleCx04 I will take things literally when it is supposed to be sarcastic sometimes. Other times I am inappropriately sarcastic. I don't know what that means, but words are not the same to everyone. I don't really have a point, just an observation.
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    @Demolishun I get it, but I literally wrote "sarcasm and plea for help" <----- in order to make sure that we were all on the same page. If the above dude wanted to take high offense over the word retard then that shit is on him really.
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