
Y'all, what do people here think of manjaro? What are the common issues of it these days? How does it work on personal laptops?

  • 6
    It’s great for everyone who wants archLinux but are too stupid or lazy to do it themselves.

    Basically, the best distro for me.
  • 4
    Used it for 2 years on personal and work laptop. No "big" issues encountered that weren't my fault. On a side note The Architect iso they provide does its job pretty well.
    Switched to endeavour linux about 6 months ago tho (no particular reason)
  • 1
    I’ve had some problems with it but it’s not a bad distro, just a little unstable sometimes (from my experience)
  • 1
    I used it a lot and it's my favorite quick setup distro.
  • 2
    If you want an RR distro with all its pros and cons, but not the hassle of manual installation, and better tested than Arch, it's a good choice. On top of that, you have access to the Arch User Repositiories.

    I tried Manjaro Cinnamon live on my desktop, and it worked OOTB, including multimedia. My laptop hasn't yet arrived, so no test on that.
  • 3
    I've had it for close to three years.

    Some issues I've had in the beginning (don't know if some are still a thing):

    - If you go for full disk encryption, the keyboard defaults to US for the disk password prompt. It will restore your install preference after that.

    - Pacman will sometimes complain if you mix pip and pacman. More specifically if you ask pacman to uninstall something. So I exclussively use pip to manage anything related to python dev.

    - I have a RT3290 card (bluetooth and wifi). The wifi works out of the box. I managed to make the bluetooth work once with rtbth-dkms-git. It lasted untill the next kernel upgrade and hasn't worked since. But it's no biggie since my headphones also work with a cable.

    Other than the issues above, I love it.
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