What every single Linux discussion devolves into on this site. :^)

  • 5
    If you're not comfortable installing Arch from scratch, Antergos/Manjaro is your best bet.
  • 4
    I use Ubuntu...I'm still pretty lazy to install Arch.
  • 3
    Arch could be the most overhyped distro, of all times.
    It lacks several applications, that are standard in pretty much all other distros.
    Its extremely over-complicated and unstable.
    But still, there are so many people that praise it for....whatever reason.
  • 8
  • 5
    Manjaro ❤
  • 4
    In all seriousness, the move to a tiling wm changed my life.
  • 2
    @Unai my curiosity overtook my laziness one weekend and I went through the process of installing arch as duel boot to my Ubuntu home PC.

    Honestly, once you've installed arch once, it's not that bad. Now I run arch everywhere but my work PC - I just like how minimal it is.

    TL;DR I use arch
  • 1
    @bezorp I use Manjaro because I didn't have the experience to know what I wanted out of my Linux distro. I ended up learning to use tiling window managers myself and I can't take an OS seriously that doesn't have it anymore.

    Hmmm, I should probably post my desktop once I get 2K upvotes. :)
  • 2
    Arch? I dont care much. I just like pacman and i3
  • 2
    @frickerg flithy casual
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