I even use vim to write my rants!

  • 1
    @thmnmlst :D dude 3 days without knowing how to quit?

    Step 1: <ESC>
    Step 2: :q

    :q for quit (if you already saved)
    :q! for quit WITHOUT saving
    :x for save then quit.

    If you didn't know that stuff, Google does. :) I learned about vim from a vim user friend and Google

    My question is,

    OP, how did you get vim to be there? Assuming this wasn't shopped
  • 10
    @corscheid I am using a [chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/...) which can turn any textarea into a virtual vi. It such a timesaver when I search and replace multiple stuff that I don't want to not have it anymore. Furthermore, I also am very fond of [vimium](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/...) providing a great way to interact on a webpage as if you were in vim with some special benefits for controlling a browser after all. It made my browsing almost keyboard-only.
  • 0
    @k0pernikus Nice. Thanks!
  • 0
    Accidentally opened VIM the other day while doing a programming project. Had to stop what I was doing and Google how to quit. Emacs4life.
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