
I guess a PC is 1500 more expensive than a Mac here on DevRant. How unusual...

  • 3
    Cuz it's about level not price...
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    @KnightsOfCode I can confirm that's a Lenovo.
  • 1
    Can confirm that's not a Mac cuz white keys instead of black

    Could be HP or Dell?
  • 1
    @KnightsOfCode are you talking about https://devrant.io/static/devrant/... ? Looking that entire index page over, the screenshots and computers seem to be Mac parodies. I think you were actually onto something.
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    @maximizer im aware of that :)
  • 1
    I hope that the PC isn't a Lenovo. They suck! (I had 2 faulty ThinkPads in less than 2 months)
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    @milkbytes have an ideapad for a dev machine. Works wonders
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    @ScribeOfGoD My first machine suffered from screen flicker (issue started one month after I got it). I contacted Lenovo for a fix and I only got a replacement machine TWO MONTHS AFTER I opened a ticket with them and I have a 3yr next business day warranty extension where they are supposed to fix my damn machine in 1 business day. Furthermore the replacement unit also had display issues!

    I'm since October dealing with this without a fully working machine. I've passe the last month trying to return the machines and get my money back to buy a SP4.
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    @milkbytes I bought mine from Frys so I have two warranties, one from frys and one from lenovo
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    @ScribeOfGoD Since I've a computer store I've bought directly from the Iberian distributor
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