Best non-Mac laptop now?

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    Lenovo thinkpads or Dell XPS to name a couple
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    @azuredivay i have an envy i wouldn't recomend it cause the henges break
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    Razerblade pro...just need to sell your kidney.
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    Dell xps
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    @azuredivay yeah the left henge on mine broke the screw straight though the plastic. I dont close it much anymore because I'm afraid its going to break the motherboard. When i do i try to hold it together when i close it but even then i still hear something crack ill make a collage and post it so you can see. If you have somewhere you can trade it in i would if i was you. I ignored the warnings when i bought mine and it happened. It also has battery overheating issues but that's managable as long as you give it breathing room but the overheating issue is going to come in handy tonight cause its suppost to be 22 degrees where i live tonight
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    @azuredivay yeah i had mine about a year. I had a hp palvilion which i used for 5 years until my wife got mad and broke the screen. I've never had problems with palvilions i still have my orginal palvilion that came with windows 98 and it still works its just too slow for me to use from how old it is. Hell my phone is stronger than it is
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    @azuredivay yeah laptops were made better a few years ago. My envy is a 2.6 quad core and i got it pretty cheap on newegg. Ive been looking for something else with around the same power but haven't found anything so I'm going to probably have to take a major downgrade when it finally breaks something
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    Within the workplace if I can't have a MacBook I'll demand a Lenovo..

    I might not be a child but I'll still throw a tantrum.
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    @azuredivay here's a picture ignore the dust and i only took one cause it should scare you and anybody else enough
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    This is thread is better than all YouTube videos put together...
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    ++ for XPS 13
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    @azuredivay yeah its just getting worse with time, i guess if you dont open and close it 20 times a day like i used to it might last longer but one day i have a few hours I'll probably take it completly apart, clean it, and see if i can rig something up to fix it. When it first started doing it, it was just a small crack but now if i don't hold that corner when i close the lid and push it together after its closed thats the result
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    I've been using a Surface Pro 3 and then migrated to a Surface Book this year - if you need portability the pro is amazing, but if you need grunt, there are few laptops out there that are less powerful then the Surface Book
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    @azuredivay what on earth did you do to deserve that, kill your ex?
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    Dell xps
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    Asus Zenbook with i7 4750 + gtx960 kicks every macbook's ass. Even looks a ton cooler.
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