
When does a dev get to Beginner, intermediate or Expert level? 🤔
Do years count?

  • 1
    Ofc years help, cause it comes with experience. And autonomy. The more experienced you are, the faster you dev and the more self sufficiency you get.
    IMHO, of course ^^
  • 6
    Years count if you are always learning. I have met people in other professions that have stagnated even though they have 20 years of time at the job. Never let that be you.
  • 1
    I guess it starts when the developer starts understanding the usage of SOLlD principle, knows where not to use singleton, understands observer patterns are evil, and strikes off decorator from his favourites' list.
  • 0
    time spent in a language is experience.
  • 4
    Beginners do the wrong thing slow. Intermediate people do the wrong thing fast and the right thing slow. Experts do the right thing fast.
  • 0
    @oroys 😁👍🏻
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