
Came into work this morning. Saw my machine off and some guy fiddling with the electricals. Don't worry boss, I wasn't working on anything terribly important that probably didn't get properly saved when your henchman yanked out the power cables.

This place is the fking worst.

  • 9
    I'm more concerned you left something open and unsaved before you went home, fair enough going to the bathroom ... but come on
  • 1
    It's not always about unsaved work, I often leave my work station running simulations over night.
  • 1
    If a place doesn't have a laptop for me to take home at night, I don't want to work there. But also if they don't allow me to work from home I don't want to work there. :)
  • 0
    @practiseSafeHex I was actually most concerned about my computer's "state" I had a project open, Gulp tasks running, some live reload happening, etc. Having to redo all that so unexpectedly really made me lose momentum.
  • 0
    i avoid bringing my laptop home over night, however there are exceptions when i take it home to work.

    This just help keep me away from thr computer coding but i still code mentally
  • 0
    @chickenbrain so you code mentally too huh? Most annoying thing when you're trying to go to sleep.
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