
Or company banned DourceTree so everyone had to switch to just using git shell.

Except me... I installed GitExtensions which is allowed.

I can't decide if I'm a git noob, better at being lazy, or more efficient.

I do use she'll for certain things like deleting, listing branches but for commits and resolving merge conflicts... still prefer gui

  • 2
    What is DourceTree and why did they ban it? Do you mean SourceTree?
  • 1
    @Demolishun yes, let's just leave it at because someone higher up said so.
  • 2
    @donuts Like "higher than a kite"?
  • 0
  • 2
    @frogstair because I find more useful, let me enjoy things damnit
  • 4
    @donuts why do CEOs care about what SCM tools you have to use? Don't they better things to "execute"
  • 3
    @frogstair if you are contractor like me CLI will prove much more usable (because it works anywhere). You never know what kind of corp. Security policies and firewalls your next client will have set up, but usually they don't allow any unknown executables to run (e.g. Sourcetree)
  • 1
    @asgs fine a bunch of old ppl including the CTO
  • 0
    @frogstair the only IDE I found had a great merge conflict resolution interface is Web/PHPStorm. Then again that benefit is completely annihilated by the slow-assness of the program (unless maybe you have 32GB of RAM). I usually take VSCode + gitk (if available), but Git Extensions looks rly neat I'll give it a try!
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