
My biggest annoyance?

The amount of hate against JS, I personnaly love JS!

  • 2
    Yes, indeed
  • 0
    I like it too.
  • 6
    Typescript is ok
  • 1
    spread the love!! 😁
  • 3
    It isn't exactly that JS is hated, it's the amount of frameworks that exist and are still being developed this moment ;)
  • 3
    @sanse1992 I know Angular, now learning Angular 2...
  • 4
    Another Day another framework.
  • 3
    I like JS, too. The problem is that many JS-Coders aren't near where professional, similar to PHP. It needs more time to develop best practices and enterprise-like frameworks and workflows. Every webdev thinks he needs to develop his own lib/framework and publish it..
  • 1
    Its the metric megaton of unmaintainable code written in it that produces the hate
  • 2
    I like js. The framework situation is a bit overwhelming though. Came back to it after a few months and everything has changed. I know software world moves fast but JS world is fast even by software world's standards.
  • 3
    jQuery is the best 😊
  • 0
    JS is not a programming language
  • 1
    @iceman I really ddisagree with you, ok, it doesn't have the features that for example php has but still, you can still achieve a lot with JS!
  • 2
    @Moox jQuery is bae
  • 1
    @chrishind10 There was a short but beautiful time period in the history of the web after it was decided that flash was bad and before it was decided that javascript could do no wrong.

    Now, web pages weigh in on the order of tens of megabytes and take 20-30 seconds to fully load if you aren't using an ad blocker. And when you're *really* lucky there's even an auto-playing HTML5 video ad.
  • 1
    I <3 JavaScript.
  • 0
    [-2, 2, 6, -8].sort()

    Try that.

    If you still love Js, you have a problem.
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