
Gah, my life rn.

  • 1
    Yeah, it got more complicated rather than simpler. Not sure the benefits match the added complexity. Many screens now so maybe it was inevitable.
  • 0
    iMHO, Well this graph might be true couple years ago. But now everything much simpler and less painful. Atleast for me which only have 6 years experiences on webdev.
  • 1
    @qbons it's gotten better, but my gripes are mostly with js tbh. IE11 barely has any support for es6 syntax.
  • 0
    Haha you know it's from 2006 when they talk about making it W3C compliant!
  • 0
    @spongessuck well i can see the "©2006" writed at left bottom of the pict.
  • 0
    Once our company finally threw IE8 out the window, it was a joy to work in
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