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    @T-Hammer that's the fun thing.. It build the template around the time Google came up with it's material design.
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    @T-Hammer is that supposed to be a rant?๐Ÿ˜‡
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    @T-Hammer eehmmm... yeah...
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    Nice dude gj
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    @Letmecode i sometimes imagine him as a pseudo intelligent chat bot with a deeply rooted hate for Google. Cause everything seems to kinda make sense if you just glance over it but nothing can be understood but that Google is our arch enemy.
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    Just a small personal opinion: I feel the nav bar covers too much vertical space on mobile. Like, it's not even a big deal, but that was my first thought after looking at the website.
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    Nice looking site, good job! There are a few things I noticed though (I only checked it out on my phone).

    First, on the home page the three sections (Codepen, Twitter, GitHub) look like they're flat on the page, which is fine, but when I scrolled down the page and tapped one with my thumb they got a box shadow, I assume that with a mouse that appears on hover. Is that part of material design? It looks stupid in my opinion, especially on mobile.

    The rest of this stuff is more of an "editorial" critique.

    On your home page your don't have any information and you don't have any call to actions that encourage users to visit the about our projects page. Instead of having a large call to action for your Twitter account, change that to a call to action to visit your about page and remove the Codepen call to action and replace it with a call to action to visit your project page.
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    You should also have your project page link come before the about page link in your menu. People care more about the project page than the about page, putting the project page link first will make it easier to reach on mobile (and make it more pronounced on desktop)

    And finally, for the love of all things even remotely professional, remove the emoji smiley faces! I don't mind if you crack jokes and write sarcastically, but the smiley faces make you look like a 14 year old texting their friends.

    Anyway, like I said, good job! It's a pretty nice site!
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    @NathanDoesDev thanks for the input๐Ÿ™‚
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    Looks nice. Just one thing: I'm on the phone. The top bar takes about 1/6 of the page on my phone. Seems a little excessive to show a logo and a navigation button. :) It's galaxy s7 edge
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    You're hired, I love it
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    Only thing that bothered me was your use of camelCase instead of underscore_notation in the Python in your banner. Other than that, fairly interesting design, very sharp and easy on the eyes.
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    if I were you, I'd put the anchor on the icons to, not just the name. constructive criticism (I hope)
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    @vhoyer smart! I'll keep in mind
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