Still single 😐

  • 5
    Yes he or she can. We are the real cool! 👍
  • 7
    Relationships are over rated anyways 😂
  • 0
    Murderers get less
  • 4
    In relationship with programming
  • 2
    There should be an app for that , dating for engineer guys and girls
  • 8
    @mohit3112 There is, it's called Tinder Beta
  • 0
    Tony Stark was banging Pepper for a while though...
  • 0
    Tinder-like app would actually be cool. Tinder it's full of plastic people (not that everyone there is, but for some of us, is hard to find really interesting people on an app like that)
  • 2
    Maybe we can ask "How to build a long term relationship?" on StackOverflow
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