5th interview was scheduled today but they never showed up to the call😐

  • 1
    You must have forgotten to share your Tacos
  • 11
    Omg 5th!? Also WTH did they say why?
  • 0
    It was a test 😉
  • 5
    Even they thought 5 was too much
  • 7
    Im not sure I want even 5 calls with even people I like....
  • 0
    5 Interviews? In a single day, or across multiple days?

    Are you interviewing for the CIA?
  • 0
    @gogokun Again, define "rounds"? If you just mean TPS, HR, on-site, managerial, and then Comp/Offer rounds, then sure. If you mean 5 rounds of technical interviews in a single day, those aren't "rounds". If you mean 5 separate days of long technical interviews, that's absurd.
  • 0
    @gogokun What is DSA in this case?
  • 0
    @gogokun What does it stand for though?
  • 0
    @gogokun Ah okay. That seems like a lot of interviewing without really finding much signal.

    I can't imagine this being cost effective.
  • 0
    @gogokun a Big Tech company (not FANG but similar) in SF only had one five-hour day of on-sites. That was the limit for which even I had tolerance for.
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