Achievement unlocked
Killed production database for 40 minutes

  • 10
    Aw the better achievement is at an hour.
  • 11
    @spongessuck on a Friday, at 5pm lol
  • 24
  • 6
    I once killed a whole drive early in my career, and did it way faster. Static isn't a joke, lads.
  • 5
    Thank cold sinking feeling in your stomach as the adrenaline and the fight or flight response kick in is the best.

    Lets you know you're alive...
  • 4
    @JustThat obviously it wasn't important.
  • 2
    @rooter yeah I always have that problem on being your axe to work day.

    A lot of the issues can be prevented with safety measures (like a good permission model)
  • 1
    @rooter can you translate the quoted text?
  • 1
    Nice.. My record was ..making it down for 2 hours.
  • 5
    i killed mine in my first job for 2 hours.
    by truncating table named tempImages.

    cuz you know... i thought i knew what "temp" means.
  • 1
    joke's on us both, because it actually DID mean temporary.

    except the original programmer's of "temporary" was "when a page is requested, the app loads 5 size variants of all images from that table and puts them where they're supposed to show. if it's a new ad so we don't find any size variants of the images, we generate all 5 sizes for each image DURING THE LOAD PROCESS, and store them in blobs in tempImages".

    because, you know, why do it when user is uploading the images to the ad when he's creating it?

    so, mass timeouts for all users on all pages ensued, intensified by the fact that imagemagick resizing about 100 2k-4k images (per page load, at about 10k active users at the time) into 2k,1k,500pix, 250pix and 100pix each... nearly (only nearly, which surprises me to this day) took down the server entirely.

    the "temp" was supposed to mean "temporary", original programmer just didn't know what "temporary" means.
  • 0
    @JustThat the case of the website i was talking about was more along the lines of "one dude had a week to code a site of real estate ads web complexity, from scratch (in php), replicating the functionality and look of the then current version (which was in .NET)"

    so to be honest just the fact that he was able to do that at all is a head explode territory for me...

    however justified, though, its WTFs were still wtfs.
  • 0
    Once I had to run a emergency bugfix which included a migration to a project I did not work on. It was around Christmas last year and I was the only dev available at 5pm. (Others were either done for the day or on vacation). I was so stressed the migration would fuck up some edge case in the database ( that project and it's db is a spaghetti infested cluster fuck), that I refused to deploy the fix without taking a full backup first. Forgot to include no lock tables and our customers could not update anything for at least 45 minutes. I didn't know until halfway in the mysqldump command when those calls started to come in one after the other... Like @zarathrusta describes it : that instant cold sweat nauseating feeling you get.. I knew I had to apply that fix fast so there was no time to cancel the dump and restart it.. I did confirm with COO beforehand and I knew it wasn't any permanent damage or anything. But still
  • 1

    First thing I do if they ever give me access to production again is drop database that shit, I need those endorphins.
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