  • 2
    I feel you bro...
  • 1
    You will get there, if i can do it you should have no problem.
  • 0
    Damn, I feel you man!
  • 2
    .... you'll get there.
  • 1
    With you on this project
  • 5
    ... connects two entitys.
  • 0
    A relationship-- What s that??? β˜ΊπŸ˜€ something sweet and eateable?? /:
    Or thing good for the soul?

    Naah... I hear you .
  • 3
    If there's any piece of advice I can give the world it's: Always hit on the hottest girl at the party because, you just never know.

    Seriously. Accuracy by volume. Get a tinder, POF, Bumble, etc then just drag a huge net across the single dating pool. I promise you that you'll find someone. I date girls with severe daddy issues because they're crazy and so I have fantastic stories to tell my friends.
  • 3
    @IWriteCodeYay I can confirm the daddy issues part, they are fucking insane some of them...
  • 2
    @antoni4040 oh yeah, they're certifiable. I'm still not emotionally over the model/stripper that cut the bristles off my toothbrush.
  • 0
    @IWriteCodeYay Da fuck? 😐
  • 0
    The hardest part, in my experience, is to define the relationship as many to one or one to many. If you got wrong at this you will finish all alone (aka one to one)
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