
What comes off as the most professional?

var hyphen-ation;
var under_score;
var camelCase;

  • 1
    Either underscore or camel case. Just depends what mood I'm in on which one I use
  • 1
    as long as the code is conformant which usually means camelCase for classes and snake_case for configuration and dash-separation for service names In my case
  • 0
    I am guessing that you are using JavaScript and with that in mind use:
    1. camelCase for variables that change
    2. UPPER_CASE for variables that are constants
    3. Capitalization for classes

    P.S. you-cannot-use-hyphens in JavaScript variables
  • 1
    NEVER hyphenate.
  • 0
    hyphen ? that kebab case. var test-suite-1
  • 1
    Depends on the language. I know Python generally people use the underscore style, whereas Java camelCase is more appropriate.
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