Arrrrg. API change totally broke my library and 8 out of 149 tests are failing...

  • 10
    At least you had tests to catch them. Plus 8 out of 149 ain't bad.
  • 0
    So one of your deps doesn't know how to version properly?
  • 0
    @garrettw it was an API from this site i was accessing. It provides a very minimal amount of documentation and I have to keep track of the changes by going to the site...

    I only found out the change after someone reported the break on GitHub
  • 2
    I have no insight on the situation, but could this be a place that better separation of concerns could have prevented any tests from breaking?

    Making where the data is coming from "independent" to the logic of your program allows you to test the logic whether or not an API even exists
  • 2
    @dance2die I see. I guess it would have been smart for them to add the API version number into the URI so that you wouldn't get hit with surprise BC breaks.
  • 1
    @kyleperik You are right. In a sense my unit tests are not truly unit tests since i am not mocking out external resources.
  • 2
    ++ for even having tests
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