
So since Im new to programming, I thought it was a good idea to make a github. Was that a good call?

  • 3
    Make as create such website or create an account ?
    Both are good idea. Former one only if you use it somehow;)
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    @MaLiN2223 Okay thank you!
  • 3
    Yes. If you're working on anything that is not completely trivial, a version control system such as git is very helpful. In the likely event that you fuck up, you can always check the changes you made since the last commit and in the worst case; roll back. Even if you are the only developer working on the project, git is very useful. If you don't wanna use the command line, I'd look into a GUI like Sourcetree.

    Now you don't need GitHub, you can also just keep your repository locally on your own machine. However, if you put it in the cloud by using a hosting service such as GitHub, you don't lose all your data if your HDD crashes.

    GitHub is free, but to make a repository private you need a paid account. However, if you're a student you can request a student package, you'll get a two-year coupon that allows you to use all the paid features for free.
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    @Grundeir Or use Gitlab for a free private repo.
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    Or bitbucket.
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    @drRoss Or do that, yes. :) I personally don't like their website, I can never find my way around.
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    @drRoss second GitLab, free private repos are the best thing
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