  • 1
    What a waste of paper, ink, and glue. Everyone already knows that.
  • 14
    devRant actually runs on PHP...
  • 0
    @Dacexi interesting. Are you a fan of PHP?
  • 5
    @theredcameron i used to use it a lot. Don't see why everyone hates it. For basically all backed i still use it. My only mistake was to use it for frontend.
  • 5
    PHP like most languages has evolved over years. Try modern frameworks like Laravel and you will change your opinion.
  • 1
    @pseudoaj Totally agree. PHP is here to stay.
  • 1
    @pseudoaj Symfony is love, Symfony is life
  • 0
    But as languages go, PHP is just plain butt-ugly
  • 0
    @MrXero ulin your eyes. Maybe. But to me it looks fine. Also think of all the addons, tutorials, hiw big the community is. If you have a problem.l, someone else has already had it.
  • 1
    @jordanglean yes. The worlds biggest companys still use it. Example: Facebook
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