
Looking for time management tips or apps or tricks you use to keep grounded. What works for you?

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    Take breaks. This idea that you need to marathon code isn't healthy. Sure there are expensive context switches, but if you aren't actively coding/researching get up and walk around a bit while thinking.
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    Play games or do something to get away from code for a while.
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    @psudo good points, the marathon stuff isn't fun. I need to be better disciplined with my time
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    @dev4 good idea, sometimes I overdo the gaming bit 😐
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    Start slow and build up. You can set yourself for a 20minute session followed by a 10 minute break. Then, the next day you do 30minute sessions and so on.

    After a few days you'll concentrate easier than before so your 30-40min sessions will look short. Also, try not to overwork more than a hour straight unless you're totally focused. Walk around the office/home, talk to your coworkers or get something from the fridge.

    Concentration is a habit that gets build each step at a time
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    Been meaning to try this but haven't had the time

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    @wilziack it rocks! Fire up le tic tac! 😂
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    pomodoro technique
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    Good tips will try the suggested technique
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    Write down in plain English what you want to do in the next hour before you start
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    Don't forget pencil and paper! It boosts your brain!
    Write, Organize... Split a sheet of paper as a kanban panel for each day! write notes!
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