
Do any of you use graph databases. If so what? I am not able to understand where they really fit in.

  • 8
    Graph databases are for storing ontological information. Ontologies are specifications that attempt through the use of logical axioms to describe data and the real world in terms that a computer can understand and draw logical inferences/conclusions from.

    Graph databases dont store a "row" of data rather they store a triple which asserts a a thing about a thing.

    Example: bob is_friends_with alice
    Bob is defined, Alice is defined and is_friends_with is defined. In the ontology specification
  • 1
    @Vaccuss That's nice. Thanks bro! Actually, I understand that, I wanted to know the practical applications of it. For eg, what are you using it store?
  • 2
    I see devRant uses it too. @dfox , can you help me understand why you are using neo4j over traditional DBs? Thank you!
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    Yeah I d like to know too
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    @vish I'm guessing they use it to represent the social network in a graph. Like how @Vaccuss mentions. Facebook uses it too.

    So if you have different objects and their relationships in a graph, it becomes much more efficient to query complex stuff. Like given 2 person A and B, get all the posts of A which are liked by mutual friends of A and B.

    I'm no graph db expert‌, this is from what I understand.
  • 2
    Simply explained: you want an object A and some other objects associated with it. Instead of having to JOIN on big tables to get those associated objects, you have them immediately because there is a link between A and each of those objects
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