
Frontend Devs - get ready to update your footers :)

  • 20
    Maybe I change it this year from 2011 to 2017..
  • 12
    I don't think you get why copyright works... Your not meant to update it. Unless there's a entire rebuild. Even then you can put the original date and new one next to each other

    If you update then your revoking any right to claim on your previous copyright... Because there's no proof (though the site time machine comes to mind)

    So ... If you update it I can claim your site n everything that was released the year before and use it for whatever....

    I know it's common practise to update it but that's what the law says

    If your site was modified you should have copyright 2016-2017
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    Script this.
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    @ItsMrSammeh it's a claim but each country handles it differently like in America you don't need one it's more of a statement to potential copyrighters. It's just safer to have it though most aren't done right... Mine aren't

    China flat out ignores it.

    But today I think most people literally use it as a statement of, we still update this site
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    @FitzSuperUser How does this work for non US based sites? Any info? Some source I can read a bit? Thanks :)
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    @FitzSuperUser is there any copyright that china doesn't ignore
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    This explains it well https://copyrightservice.co.uk/copy...

    @juzles not really you see there culture isn't built for it. Big brands struggle heavily with it. In some ways it is good for example it forces people to give the best prices because someone else can just copy you. But there's literally no real. Recourse if someone does steal it
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    You have to pay for each country, for each document, for each graphic a different price. Ex. For europian union, for a logotype you have to pay #800 etc. Yea its expensive for a reason
  • 1
    The only real reason i change this is that a clients site doest seen forgotten by time
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    @deadpool88 what? No you seem to be thinking about patent...
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    I got into www.wipo.int, maybe its only for patents and you are right.
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    Since 2011.
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