
I am looking for testers!
operationtulip.com is a small startup that is providing storage with Nextcloud. Currently every user gets 50 GB for free for as long as we are able to provide it.

We would like freeback from our users aswell:

Thank you :)

  • 3
    Kinda hard to read, more to come
  • 5
    I don't see how...
  • 10
    @ScribeOfGoD Bottom omnibar is triggering me
  • 4
    @12bitfloat but it works so good with my case and phone, also its ff lol
  • 2
    Good Luck !!! ๐Ÿ€
  • 3
    @ScribeOfGoD i'm triggered by chrome omnibar. ๐Ÿ˜
  • 3

    responds with 404 and it's a link from the main page about office suit

  • 2

    You probably registrered last year
  • 1
    Overall seems nice even though there are rough corners.

    PS: bloody android nextcloud client which cannot properly recreate a sync folder after I've made a mistake and had to remove the connection.
  • 2
    BTW, I remember you having a temp mail service. Maybe it would be a nice idea to integrate something like that into the suit? ๐Ÿค”
    Like an autogenerated mail which is connected to your account (maybe some sort of 'master' inbox for all temp mails) and which you can destroy at any time.
  • 2
    Thank God. Google's services need more competition.
  • 3
    It's actually good, loved it, alas, it won't be free forever
  • 1
    @Linux allowed to add to local next cloud install?
  • 3
    What kind of feedback are you looking for?

    What I noticed on the home page so far:

    - the slider on the header is too quick imo, longer sections are hard to read

    - on the bottom menu there's the "pricing" section but it's not clickable (is it on purpose?)

    Now, I'm posting here since these are small things, in the future I'll use the email.

    Also, if there's any specific test I can help you with feel free to ask.
  • 2

    That is a Good idea actually, I will Bring that Up with my team :)
  • 1

    All kinds of feedback! Thank you !
  • 1

    What do you mean?
  • 5

    Well, it is not free to host close to 100TB data :)
  • 1
    @Linux You can freely steal my data if you want
  • 3

    Yes we can as a provider like any other providers/companies.

    But you can and should use E2EE in your client because you should not trust any company or individual with your data really.
  • 1
    @Linux I was trying to add your next cloud as external storage to mine, but I'm unsure of the remote folder path, do you allow that?
  • 1

    Yes that is possible.
    Just click the grind in the botton left to get the full webdav Path. Or just use the share-function
  • 1
    @Linux switched protocol to WebDAV and filled in required information but still get red exclamation ๐Ÿค” would having U2F enabled on the account prevent anything from connecting?
  • 2
    I have my own nextcloud server, but I can subscribe if you still need testers. Just let me know. :)
  • 0
    Still wondering, what will be the price?
  • 0

    Yeah U2F does prevent that, since2 webdav does not support MFA..
  • 0
    It wont drain your wallet!
  • 0
    @Linux sure, I was wondering in order to tell a few people I know that might be interested
  • 2

    Well, if you registrer now, you dont have to pay for 50GB atleast :)
  • 3
    Gonna try this one out later with some files from my 157GB P-Drive

    P Standing for projects obviously ( อก° อœส– อก°)
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