
U know u need to get laid when u type pussy instead of putty

  • 3
    This is the best one I heard in 2017.
  • 3
    *Types pussy into the start menu*...

    Still doesn't get laid.
  • 1
    Wonder how your search history looks like 😂
  • 0
    Pussy not found
  • 0
    Put pussy on your path.
  • 1
    LOL guys!!! Go out..get some shushi!
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    @monzakaz You're sick!!!
  • 1
    You..watch it man..i didnt type " pussy " into the start menue...
    Pretty ovious why you dont get laid.
    .o0 must be that " british sharm""
  • 1
    In case someone else doesnt give Ya the clue: this sh/÷/\÷\t was offencive. I do expect the apologzy.
    Be like a man ..not like sysadm dirtbag thinking himself as a IT crew
  • 0
    I was being sarcastic... Chill out.

    You won't get an apology from me, and thanks for insulting my job off the back of a joke.
  • 1
    drRoss..that was totally insult.o0 not a sarcasm. I love sushi. /sights\ I am a lady..i apologize..did not came here to namecalling nobody..and i came here to chill. I m chill now. You can keep your apology..but You will buy me the shushi ..because that sarcasm did hurt and people can leave.
    PS.../quietly\ not a bad word about the job....i have the same proffession written in papers...
  • 1
    Have all the sushi you like.
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