
Do you guys use any "supplements" to help with developing?

  • 5
    Caffeine... But sometimes in unreasonable doses
  • 0
    @bandoncont actually caffeine helps with my lack of sleep that tends to trigger microsleeps when coding (staying seated in front of a screen tends to get me too relaxed even when very concentrated)

    I must add energizing music to the lot (Dubstep, rock, metal, edm,...)
  • 0
    Music, and coffee just like the next dev. Also a note pad, paper is incredibly good for note taking and planning out code, And white board I love my white board.
  • 5
    Yeah, fear of unemployment
  • 1
    I used to drink coffee all day, like 10+ cups.. mid last year I transitioned to ice cold water with a slice of orange or lemon to give some variety, it's really good.
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    @azous hilarious
  • 2
    Ballmer's peak baby! - https://xkcd.com/323/
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    Sometimes weed.
  • 1
    Aight I guess I'm edgy and use Ginkgo Biloxi and green tea, and sometimes a micro dosis of nicotine gum to help getting into the "zone"
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