I want to ask for my devrant stickers but I'm worried the South African postal service will just lose the package or steal it themselves

  • 2
    Fuck yeah, pull up to a robot and the taxi in front you got devrant right below his pirates sticker.
  • 2
    I'm still waiting for them to deliver mine, 10 months now
  • 1
    @penderis 😂😂so true
  • 3
    We see an inside shot of a South African mail room and there are devRant stickers on everything in the room. A man stands up from his computer and shouts "We've got another one!". Everybody cheers and runs out of the room. The camera pans over to the man's computer screen and we see

    SELECT * FROM deliveries
    WHERE origin = 'devRant HQ'
  • 1
    Just got mine in Cape Town, only took like three weeks.
  • 1
    @starless audibly keked, girlfriend laughed at me
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