I wonder if there are more real developers or fake ones? Maybe even? Too many people stick their nose where they shouldn't be and create too many problems for people who actually work and do something.

  • 0
    @h3ll those who think if they know this:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    They know HTML5.
  • 4
    I'm not sure about when to call someone a 'fake' dev, or if I've ever even encountered one? I imagine someone pretending to be a dev would be quickly found out through conversation or by looking at their code?

    As for your html5 example, isn't that normal starting out? I've had plenty of students who thought themselves programmers/hackers barely having printed their first 'hello world', but that's ok (they discovered they were oh so wrong very quickly..^^). Doesn't mean someone is fake when they're just starting out, or not very familiar with deeper concepts yet...
  • 2
    Maybe it's because of this effect.
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