
Close laptop lid to hibernate and put into bag for evening dev session

Pull out dead laptop that didnt hibernate when lid closed.


  • 0
    I HATE when that happens.
  • 2
    It happened to me a few times when I used to use Linux..
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    A few years ago my crappy lenovo laptop didn't hibernate when shut. Needless to say, it was quite warm when I took it out the laptop bag a few hours later.
  • 2
    Happened to to me before, so now I always wait for the LED to be off first before putting it away.
  • 1
    This has happened to me when Virtual Box on Windows is running a Windows VM. Broke charging and batteries several times before I found out what the problem was. Stopped using the project's dev VM in favour of setting everything up on the host. Now all my VMs run Linux. No issues with hibernation since.
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