
the pet project I thought would take 2 weeks but took waaayy longer -.-
critique it?
Known issues:
tries to get dimensions from the width, works half the time, will make a setup process in the beginning eventually and allow people to change the values.
Background download, lockscreen and wallpaper all use different methods, trying to see which one works better, doesn't use a separate background process by itself hence easier on the system resources.
the "dismiss" is there just so the notifs carry images in phone. Somehow, notifs with just images and no buttons didn't show the images on phone, hence a temporary workaround, will be replaced with actual buttons later :p
Search and sketch don't work the way I want em to, are there but not accessible, will be there eventually.

tips? things I should change? anything?

And not the final logo, took it from a sample package to submit it, will tinker with the logo thing later :p
//first UWP

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