

Am I the only one getting tired of the "help my pc isn't working" posts on here? Come on, do some googling and post on other websites that are dedicated to helping you fix your shit, not on devrant! Sigh...

Also, this is my first rant on here, I have been lurking for a while here now but I wanted to get this out of my system as it feels like half the fucking posts are of this kind.

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    Haven't seen such posts yet luckily. Also, welcome!
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    Well in this case I meant pc issues, as in general hardware and software issues. I've seen a few about apparently defect hardware, as well as a lot of posts about windows issues and the like... But maybe it's devrants algorithm that needs to learn I dont care much for those posts :P
    And thanks :)
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    Given I posted such a rant a few hours ago i feel called upon.

    Personally i think it's tha dark side of having nice and healthy community: people are not afraid of asking for help here.
    And that's good IMHO.

    I'm pretty sure we all can empathize with feeling of being stuck so much that neither SO nor Google seem to help, so i wouldn't be so hard on people.

    From what I've seen there is few and far between of typical SO-ish kind of question and, contrary to said SO, they aren't about easily googlable stuff. So it isn't just RTFM.

    Due to that fact, that it hardly is a "flood" i guess you can just ignore them if you are not interested
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    @Arlekin dont take it personally, I intentionally left out names/issues so as to make it a general, non-personal rant. I agree with your post, but the issues I've seen so far aren't the type that they can't be fixed by looking on google, SO and the like.
    Personally, I like having things organized, so I get certain "ticks" when things are out of place, even though it's not much. Anyway, have a nice day.
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    Oh im not taking this personally, just thought i might act as a voice "from the other side"
    I totally get the "ticks" thing :)

    It's kind of hard problem though, gauging whether question is about issue hard enough to justify asking it on some non-qa community.
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