
I wish I could redesign the webstack. I mean, its fine in its current state, but could be soooo much better.

Having native support for web components and shadowDOM will be a good start.

Crossbrowser support for flexbox and removal of vendor prefixes.

CSS defaults for properties like margin and padding to be set to 0. (Basically reset.css or normalize.css)

I like the direction ECMAscript is heading in but I think some features that Dart has should also be ported ECMAscript. The simplified DOM in dart which looks like jQuery is such a breeze to use.

We can all the above currently, but its integration would streamline development.

  • 2
    Very agreed. it's funny that a lot of these things are not developer friendly. Made by other developers.
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    I would focus on performance first. I'm sure we could do a lot of optimizations to make the web feels like native. Web Components and vDOM would need support from all browsers, and we should be good to go.

    Sadly, it will all be just a dream if things are as it is now. The way the web moves now is too slow, and the native world moves a lot faster, because of not having to wait for compatibility fixes or for browsers to implement it. Performance on native is far ahead of the web as it is.

    Apple used to be a good contributor, but now they betrayed us, believing that they could just go full proprietary and abandon the open web platform. Microsoft and Google are taking the lead now, but still, they have their own platforms to manage.
  • 0
    @phoomparin premature optimization is the root of all evil...
  • 1
    @OOPMichael No optimization, like the current state of the web, is the root of the dangerous problem of losing to native. It's why we're going to lose to native in a few years if we're not going to improve the web's performance. Remember, instant apps are going to be launched soon.
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